Process Effectiveness

If all you have is a hammer – everything becomes a nail. Then comes the process death spiral that gets business nowhere. Companies need workers that can decipher the issues facing them, pull the right tool out of the bag, and use the tool with confidence. Process complexity will only fuel the flames that cause workers to run for cover. Finger pointing becomes rampant because it is always someone else’s fault.

Are you seeing these issues in the work place:

Poor workflow and process effectiveness

Excess materials lying all over or on office shelves

Workers have no clue how to get good ideas to management

Value Streams have no useable data or solution

Non-value work is everywhere

Customers unhappy due to poor quality and increasing cost

Quality improvement initiatives die before getting off the ground

Bureaucracy has its fingers in the pot

Equipment effectiveness is lost

Tooling changeovers take forever

Maintenance working on low priority items

Assets misused or not in working order

Lead times too long, adding to a tightening the belt

Cash flow is nonexistent and suppliers screaming for their money

On time delivery rate is unsatisfactory, resulting in making calls to customers with explanations

Customers looking for other suppliers or order flow dropping off

Safety and environmental issues

Confusion is at every crossroad


At leadership Initiatives we equip workers with the proper tools they need, mentor them with the skills to use each tool correctly, and then get in the trenches with the workers to make sure they are successful. Tools such as Lean, Lean office, OEE, TQM, TPM and many more equip workers with the ammunition needed to win the battle. This allows each tool to be repeatable for worker usage whenever the occasion arises. Because the workers are a part of your work team, they will be able to sustain the initiative and keep the processes flowing. We know that worker performance within the company plays an important part in successful implementation, so diagnosing the current culture and presenting solutions will be needed. Management coaching and mentoring assures a culture of measureable performance improvement.